Source code for regressors.stats

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""This module contains functions for calculating various statistics and
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA

from . import _utils

[docs]def residuals(clf, X, y, r_type='standardized'): """Calculate residuals or standardized residuals. Parameters ---------- clf : sklearn.linear_model A scikit-learn linear model classifier with a `predict()` method. X : numpy.ndarray Training data used to fit the classifier. y : numpy.ndarray Target training values, of shape = [n_samples]. r_type : str Type of residuals to return: 'raw', 'standardized', 'studentized'. Defaults to 'standardized'. * 'raw' will return the raw residuals. * 'standardized' will return the standardized residuals, also known as internally studentized residuals, which is calculated as the residuals divided by the square root of MSE (or the STD of the residuals). * 'studentized' will return the externally studentized residuals, which is calculated as the raw residuals divided by sqrt(LOO-MSE * (1 - leverage_score)). Returns ------- numpy.ndarray An array of residuals. """ # Make sure value of parameter 'r_type' is one we recognize assert r_type in ('raw', 'standardized', 'studentized'), ( "Invalid option for 'r_type': {0}".format(r_type)) y_true = y.view(dtype='float') # Use classifier to make predictions y_pred = clf.predict(X) # Make sure dimensions agree (Numpy still allows subtraction if they don't) assert y_true.shape == y_pred.shape, ( "Dimensions of y_true {0} do not match y_pred {1}".format(y_true.shape, y_pred.shape)) # Get raw residuals, or standardized or standardized residuals resids = y_pred - y_true if r_type == 'standardized': resids = resids / np.std(resids) elif r_type == 'studentized': # Prepare a blank array to hold studentized residuals studentized_resids = np.zeros(y_true.shape[0], dtype='float') # Calcluate hat matrix of X values so you can get leverage scores hat_matrix =, np.linalg.inv(, X))), np.transpose(X)) # For each point, calculate studentized residuals w/ leave-one-out MSE for i in range(y_true.shape[0]): # Make a mask so you can calculate leave-one-out MSE mask = np.ones(y_true.shape[0], dtype='bool') mask[i] = 0 loo_mse = np.average(resids[mask] ** 2, axis=0) # Leave-one-out MSE # Calculate studentized residuals studentized_resids[i] = resids[i] / np.sqrt( loo_mse * (1 - hat_matrix[i, i])) resids = studentized_resids return resids
[docs]def sse(clf, X, y): """Calculate the standard squared error of the model. Parameters ---------- clf : sklearn.linear_model A scikit-learn linear model classifier with a `predict()` method. X : numpy.ndarray Training data used to fit the classifier. y : numpy.ndarray Target training values, of shape = [n_samples]. Returns ------- float The standard squared error of the model. """ y_hat = clf.predict(X) sse = np.sum((y_hat - y) ** 2) return sse
[docs]def adj_r2_score(clf, X, y): """Calculate the adjusted :math:`R^2` of the model. Parameters ---------- clf : sklearn.linear_model A scikit-learn linear model classifier with a `predict()` method. X : numpy.ndarray Training data used to fit the classifier. y : numpy.ndarray Target training values, of shape = [n_samples]. Returns ------- float The adjusted :math:`R^2` of the model. """ n = X.shape[0] # Number of observations p = X.shape[1] # Number of features r_squared = metrics.r2_score(y, clf.predict(X)) return 1 - (1 - r_squared) * ((n - 1) / (n - p - 1))
[docs]def coef_se(clf, X, y): """Calculate standard error for beta coefficients. Parameters ---------- clf : sklearn.linear_model A scikit-learn linear model classifier with a `predict()` method. X : numpy.ndarray Training data used to fit the classifier. y : numpy.ndarray Target training values, of shape = [n_samples]. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray An array of standard errors for the beta coefficients. """ n = X.shape[0] X1 = np.hstack((np.ones((n, 1)), np.matrix(X))) se_matrix = scipy.linalg.sqrtm( metrics.mean_squared_error(y, clf.predict(X)) * np.linalg.inv(X1.T * X1) ) return np.diagonal(se_matrix)
[docs]def coef_tval(clf, X, y): """Calculate t-statistic for beta coefficients. Parameters ---------- clf : sklearn.linear_model A scikit-learn linear model classifier with a `predict()` method. X : numpy.ndarray Training data used to fit the classifier. y : numpy.ndarray Target training values, of shape = [n_samples]. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray An array of t-statistic values. """ a = np.array(clf.intercept_ / coef_se(clf, X, y)[0]) b = np.array(clf.coef_ / coef_se(clf, X, y)[1:]) return np.append(a, b)
[docs]def coef_pval(clf, X, y): """Calculate p-values for beta coefficients. Parameters ---------- clf : sklearn.linear_model A scikit-learn linear model classifier with a `predict()` method. X : numpy.ndarray Training data used to fit the classifier. y : numpy.ndarray Target training values, of shape = [n_samples]. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray An array of p-values. """ n = X.shape[0] t = coef_tval(clf, X, y) p = 2 * (1 - scipy.stats.t.cdf(abs(t), n - 1)) return p
[docs]def f_stat(clf, X, y): """Calculate summary F-statistic for beta coefficients. Parameters ---------- clf : sklearn.linear_model A scikit-learn linear model classifier with a `predict()` method. X : numpy.ndarray Training data used to fit the classifier. y : numpy.ndarray Target training values, of shape = [n_samples]. Returns ------- float The F-statistic value. """ n = X.shape[0] p = X.shape[1] r_squared = metrics.r2_score(y, clf.predict(X)) return (r_squared / p) / ((1 - r_squared) / (n - p - 1))
[docs]def summary(clf, X, y, xlabels=None): """ Output summary statistics for a fitted regression model. Parameters ---------- clf : sklearn.linear_model A scikit-learn linear model classifier with a `predict()` method. X : numpy.ndarray Training data used to fit the classifier. y : numpy.ndarray Target training values, of shape = [n_samples]. xlabels : list, tuple The labels for the predictors. """ # Check and/or make xlabels ncols = X.shape[1] if xlabels is None: xlabels = np.array( ['x{0}'.format(i) for i in range(1, ncols + 1)], dtype='str') elif isinstance(xlabels, (tuple, list)): xlabels = np.array(xlabels, dtype='str') # Make sure dims of xlabels matches dims of X if xlabels.shape[0] != ncols: raise AssertionError( "Dimension of xlabels {0} does not match " "X {1}.".format(xlabels.shape, X.shape)) # Create data frame of coefficient estimates and associated stats coef_df = pd.DataFrame( index=['_intercept'] + list(xlabels), columns=['Estimate', 'Std. Error', 't value', 'p value'] ) coef_df['Estimate'] = np.concatenate( (np.round(np.array([clf.intercept_]), 6), np.round((clf.coef_), 6))) coef_df['Std. Error'] = np.round(coef_se(clf, X, y), 6) coef_df['t value'] = np.round(coef_tval(clf, X, y), 4) coef_df['p value'] = np.round(coef_pval(clf, X, y), 6) # Create data frame to summarize residuals resids = residuals(clf, X, y, r_type='raw') resids_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'Min': pd.Series(np.round(resids.min(), 4)), '1Q': pd.Series(np.round(np.percentile(resids, q=25), 4)), 'Median': pd.Series(np.round(np.median(resids), 4)), '3Q': pd.Series(np.round(np.percentile(resids, q=75), 4)), 'Max': pd.Series(np.round(resids.max(), 4)), }, columns=['Min', '1Q', 'Median', '3Q', 'Max']) # Output results print("Residuals:") print(resids_df.to_string(index=False)) print('\n') print('Coefficients:') print(coef_df.to_string(index=True)) print('---') print('R-squared: {0:.5f}, Adjusted R-squared: {1:.5f}'.format( metrics.r2_score(y, clf.predict(X)), adj_r2_score(clf, X, y))) print('F-statistic: {0:.2f} on {1} features'.format( f_stat(clf, X, y), ncols))